I completed my build a few weeks ago, took a break before verifying all the connections, and testing.
Today I ran the Audio Analyzer suite on the build - things look OK. I need to dim my blue LED (I know some have issues with blue LEDs - but I like them, I still remember when I got my first one - so much better than the red/green/amber ones I got used to (I'm close to 60, so yes, that was about 30 years ago)). Just noticed I also need to reverse the screws/nuts on the choke.
The Amp sounds sweet - I'm playing some Joan Armatrading on it right now. Will let it burn in over the next few days. My amp till now was the Adcom GFA-535 (a decent amp). This amp is no worse from what I've heard so far, I think it sounds better - but I still need more time to listen. (So while typing this up I moved on to 'Goombay Dance Band' and they are sounding much more open and imaged than I remember).
I did have to go through 4 6SQ7's to get a pair that kept THD <1% - had seen THD at 1.8% on one of the tubes I had.
Thanks to Skunkie Designs for sharing this project - was definitely worth the effort to build this.

Congrats on finishing the build. I like how you tucked away the cathode resistors. I also see--in comparison to mine--how less crowded the wiring looks when you use the different PT and just one choke. What speakers are you using? Enjoy your amp!
Very nice job!!! I feel like there is something special about this combo of tubes.