Well I decided to build one of these amps because it should do exactly what I need, I went with the single choke version and I am pretty excited to hear it and all I am waiting for is my EL-34s. I am glad I found the YouTube series and this website, its such great content!, Now I changed things up a bit and went with a bigger chassis and used Hammond output transformers because to get the Edcors into Canada would kill me with shipping, exchange, duty and whatever else and the Hammonds are quite a bit bigger and 11lbs each haha. Went with wood sides for a more vintage look. I have some tube experience but never did a full on build and it was awesome! I added some photos, I centered the driver tubes in-between the choke and end of the chassis and centered the power tubes with the output transformers. Once I confirms everything is good and play it a bit on my smaller speakers I'm going to hook it up to the Klipsch Cornwall 3s and see how she does!

Very nice build
Can you inform the Hammond output transformers part number?
I’m from Portugal and have the same difficulty you felt to get the Edcors!
Do the amplifier sound ok?
Thank you in advance.
Very nice job with a classy finish
That's a nice build, congrats! A larger chassis makes a lot of sense, not only because of the size of the OT. I found it quite fiddly to make certain changes (input selector, thermistor, etc.) in the original chassis. And, those black OTs rock! Let us know how the Cornwalls sound.
Looks like you did a great job and a larger chassis works well with those larger transformers!