Vacuum Tube Audio Gear
Am a Christian ... love Gospel music, esp. on good turntables, ie: Denon DP-80 and 3000 with number of tonearms (Acos 801, Saec 308SX, SME series III (which I wont rewire) I will rewire the RB250's I have, and the R200 also. I like to mod with silver internal wiring and Iceni - Michel counterweights , and dampen... I have a couple of nice slate slabs, which I will use to make a proper Rega 3 with - that is real slate and not just by appearances (and a few other mods :-) ).
I did some mods a few years ago, on my 2nd TT which I documented on diyaudio - they made quite a difference - if anyone wants to see:
I like to hybridize my system, with valve pre-amps and main SS amp, ... and in the main listening area, also have another dedicated valve amp running a pair of more vocal oriented speakers, like ProAC tablettes ... (which I am yet to do). At present listening to Rotal BX990 amp - which i modified by -adding- solid pure annealed silver strips with cotton sleeves I sowed the speaker output - and the RCA internal leads with smaller round solid silver annealed wire. Man, what a difference that made. I had some Rogers 3 way with what seems to be a subwoofer speaker on the bottom, which I recapped with solid silver polypropelene caps, and re-soldered the internal speaker connections with Mundorf 9.5% Silver/Gold solder - to the wires in the cone tied onto the speaker frame.
Man, what a difference - like live music - so present and alive - a pleasure to listen to, however am getting a chi-fi amp based a Swiss design where patent ran out - which should be interesting ... esp. to re-silver-wire ... I silver wired the internals on a ME 550 and consulted with the late Peter Stein who refurbished it. I soldered silver only on the positive ends. That made a major difference also, silver being 110% conductive ... but not taking the original wire out. Its like adding all this extra presence to the sound that is already there, extra little bells and whistles and tinkles and dynamics ... however I am selling that one (in Australia)
I also use an NAD 565bee CD/USB/Optical player for digital - quite a nice unit I must say...and a FiiO X7ii and DacMagic Plus- ... I also use a Reisong B50 and A10 ... quite nice - I want to modify them to have a subwoofer out - and to still utilize all the tubes ... recap and resolder with Mundorf Silver/Gold ... and use balanced mic wire like an internal XLR, as I will with my upcoming Hagerman Cornet phono preamp. I prefer SUT's for MC ...
...somewhere in space...