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Join date: Dec 15, 2024


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Retired now after many years in the Public Service and commercial organisations. I live on a small island called Anglesey off the north coast of Wales, UK.

My first self build was in 1977 - a pair of transmission line speakers swiftly followed by a self built turntable albeit with an SME arm. That was it until 2023, when looming retirement meant time on my hands, so another pair of speakers and a valve amp were built and a little more recently I built another turntable but this time built the tonearm too from layered hardwood. Upcoming projects for me include pre and power amps (tube based), probably monoblocks, and some form of separate attenuator for volume control…I’m researching transformer and autoformer based solutions for the attenuator.

Used to love country rock (Neil Young, CSNY, Eagles), Punk, Soul etc, but now Jazz and Classical take predominance. I prefer vinyl, but also play plenty of CD music and stream too.


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