Several weeks ago the power tube at V2 on my R8 red plated. Today I removed the bottom cover to begin the upgrades and mods and to see if I would find the cause of the red plating. At first I didn't find anything. But later looking with a flashlight and at the right angle I found 3 resistors in the power supply section damaged. And I had thought they were of better quality than the ones in the R8 Stephi had worked. Wrong!

I thought the red plating was due to failures on the bias boards, particularly if it only occurs with one tube. I would have thought a problem in the power supply section would affect all tubes. Note, I recently had my R8 open to perform some of the mods. I had a good look at all the resistors while I was at it and only found one with a very small chip on it's surface. This is a photo of the same area as you have shown and all the resistors look fine. Mine does seem to have a different brand of capacitor on the right compared to yours and the one Stephe modified.